Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Edmodo-"Facebook" for the Classroom

So if you have been to any technology conferences lately, you have probably heard of Edmodo.  Edmodo is a social website that more than 30,000,000 students and teachers use to connect, communicate, and collaborate.  Classes/groups can be formed, polls and quizzes can be created and assigned, Web 2.0 projects can be submitted via Edmodo, and the list goes on and on.

A while back I created a Glog with a short video on how to create assignments in Edmodo.  I have also included links to Edmodo's help page and to the main page.

Here is a handout I created for starting up an Edmodo Account.

This is a one page colorful handout on the features of an Edmodo page.

Edmodo for Literature Circles

I am a big fan of Edmodo and use it as a LMS (Learning Management System) in my classroom.  I found this Prezi by Shana Benedict that directly ties using Edmodo for Literature Circles to the Common Core Standards.  You can meet so many objectives by doing this.  Check it out :)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Symbaloo is a great visual bookmarking tool that can be used to organize paperless resources with small icons that represent each link.  Check out these amazing tutorials on Corkboard Connections (I would have made my own, but why reinvent the wheel?).


Friday, January 17, 2014

Using Blogs in the K-12 Classroom

As a teacher in a 4th-5th grade classroom, I find it important to use a blog that is user-friendly if my intention is for student usage.  I have a Kidblog and each of my students has their own page.  I like this particular blog because it is free, it is safe, I can adjust the privacy for maximum security where I (the teacher) approve everything that gets posted, and THERE'S AN APP FOR THAT (this is a biggie for me because we have 10 iPods in our classroom).

1.  Vodcasts: Students can create vodcasts by using the video recorder on the iPod and directly post it to their blog page.  

2.  Collaboration:  This can be done on a small scale with students in the classroom or can become global by collaborating with classrooms around the world on projects, activities, and any other academic ventures. 

3.  Problem Solving:  Students can create problems and share them with others.  This opens a dialogue and enhances their 21st Century Skills as they communicate, collaborate, and problem solve with others.   

4.  Digital Archives: Students can archive their digital projects on their personalized blog page.  This allows for easy access, viewing, and commentary from others.

5.  Resources:  Resources can be provided in one location that is easily accessible for students.  This allows the teacher control the content that is available in order to ensure validity and appropriateness.  

Professor Garfield

The Professor Garfield Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) educational collaboration between Paws, Inc., the global headquarters for Garfield the Cat, and Ball State University, a nationally recognized leader in teacher training and digital education.  The primary focus of the activities/games on this website is literacy.  My favorite activity is Reading Ring where students have to sequence the Garfield comic strips, but there are many other activities on this website as well that support literacy. http://www.professorgarfield.org/pgf_home.html


If you haven't heard of thinglink, it is a Web 2.0 tool that allows you to use an image and "tag" it in different areas. You could use this to analyze a book cover for text features (characters, setting, etc), use it for science to describe diagrams, use it for  math to define terms (divisor, dividend, quotient), social studies/geography for maps...etc...

Here is a quick example I created using The Wizard of Oz book cover


How to Thinglink


I just came across this tool and had to share.  Citelighter- www.citelighter.com  is a tool/toolbar that you can use to highlight text off the internet, create citations, and organize your research.  This is great for anybody going back to school or for students who are beginning to do research.  It's worth checking out.

iPod Basics

I created a few videos about the basics of using iPods based upon a needs assessment of the faculty at my school.

Taking Pictures With iPods

Weather App and Voice Memo

Google Maps/Google Earth for iPod

Welcome to Klicking With Krista!

Have you ever needed help with a Web 2.0 tool, app, or just some good information about the best practices for using technology in the classroom?  My goal for this blog is to provide educators with a "go to" place for locating tips and tools to use in their instructional settings.