As a teacher in a 4th-5th grade classroom, I find it important to use a blog that is user-friendly if my intention is for student usage. I have a
Kidblog and each of my students has their own page. I like this particular blog because it is free, it is safe, I can adjust the privacy for maximum security where I (the teacher) approve everything that gets posted, and THERE'S AN APP FOR THAT (this is a biggie for me because we have 10 iPods in our classroom).
1. Vodcasts: Students can create vodcasts by using the video recorder on the iPod and directly post it to their blog page.
2. Collaboration: This can be done on a small scale with students in the classroom or can become global by collaborating with classrooms around the world on projects, activities, and any other academic ventures.
3. Problem Solving: Students can create problems and share them with others. This opens a dialogue and enhances their 21st Century Skills as they communicate, collaborate, and problem solve with others.
4. Digital Archives: Students can archive their digital projects on their personalized blog page. This allows for easy access, viewing, and commentary from others.
5. Resources: Resources can be provided in one location that is easily accessible for students. This allows the teacher control the content that is available in order to ensure validity and appropriateness.